For many years, I was that person that stuffed papers into my backpack. I would forget to write things down and I would often procrastinate. Losing things was my number one talent. But one day, something changed. I got organized.
After many years of being disorganized, I became fed up and decided to get my life together. I started with my Lilly Pulitzer Agenda and carried that thing around like it was my child. Soon enough, I had pencil pouches, file folders, notebooks, and more. I had become a new person. This change was absolutely for the better. Since I’ve become organized, my grades have improved, I no longer lose everything, and I get tasks done as they are assigned to me.
Today, I am sharing my organization system with you guys. I can’t promise it will work for you, but it has honestly changed my life for the better. Keep on reading to get organized!

I know I talk about my planner all the time, but honestly, it’s just that good. To stay on top of your life, you NEED a planner. I cannot even imagine coordinating my schedule, classes, club meetings, appointments, and social events without my planner. I highly recommend the Day Designer because you have one day per page. It allows you to really focus on the day ahead of you and how you are spending each hour. It lists the hours from 7AM to 7PM, which really helps me to plan out my day and use my time wisely. There is additional room for your to-do list and extras (notes, what’s for dinner, a “don’t forget”, and what’s due). I use my planner with Papermate Flair pens, color-coding each class, sorority events, workouts, my job, and extras. I also create a “Top 3” from to-do list for each day, which is composed of items that I MUST get done that day. I usually like to pick two important tasks and one easier task so that I know I will get it accomplished. Doing this helps me to prioritize and stay on top of my goals each day and each week overall.

Since my planner is broken down with one day on each page, I also like to have my week at-a-glance whenever possible. I use the Petite Planner (which I also mentioned in my Back To School Faves post). I love this little planner because I can write out what I am doing each day in simple terms. The planner is small and can fit in any space, whether a backpack or your purse. Being able to see what you have going on in the coming weeks helps you to not have any surprises and to stay on track, goal-wise.

As I also mentioned in my Back to School post, I really enjoy using the Rifle Paper Company notebooks to create to-do lists. I put them together using my notebook and transfer them to my planner, in order of priority. Writing my objectives in the notebook helps me identify what is important. I also will write in things that I want to do, whether it is going to dinner with friends or getting my nails done. This allows me to have some fun or get in some “me” time as a priority, too.
I’m not much for digital organization when it comes to calendars and reminders, but I do organize my files online using Google Drive. For school, I create a folder for the semester and within it, subfolders for each class. Typically, within the subfolders, I’ll add even more folders based on the assignment. I highly recommend using Google Drive. The storage component is great and it is free! Plus, it is great to be able to get to your files anywhere you might need them.

As for papers, resumes, old tests, and more, I organize everything in file folders that I keep on my desk. By creating a folder for each category you may need, you no longer have papers scattered all over your desk. Keeping it neat and tidy in file folders allows you to hold on to items you may need without the hassle of the mess.
That’s all for now! I hope you all enjoyed reading about my organizational system. Please let me know if you enjoyed my tips or if you have any tips for me in the future!
I never thought of file folders as a way for extra storage of old papers. I usually use an accordion folder π Great post!!
I love that idea too! Keeps everything nice and tidy!