October Amazon Fashion Try-On Haul

There are few things I love more than a cheap Amazon find. I’m always sharing my fave items with you guys, but wanted to try something a little different today. This time, I’m sharing some of my favorite items that I’ve purchased recently. Let’s dive in!

SHOP MY DRESS ($26.99)

BONUS CONTENT! I’m attaching 3 outfits that I haven’t posted about on Instagram. Two of the outfits I bought to wear to Gator football games (hence the orange and blue) and the other is one I wear to work often. Please excuse my messy closet!

SHOP MY TOP HERE ($14.99) – note the top is customizable, you can use the strings to tighten and loosen the top!

hi there!

hi, I'm emily! I'm a fashion + lifestyle blogger based in florida. I love sharing blogger tips + tricks, great sales, and styled looks here!


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