Pitching to Brands: How to Land the Perfect Pitch Every Time

The more you grow as an influencer, the more collabs will start coming your way. But what if you’re just starting out? Sure, you can try to sit around and wait for opportunities to come your way, but why not go after what’s right in front of you?!?

Pitching to brands does not have to be intimidating. You know what? The worst they can say is NO. If you have a brand that you genuinely love and use in your day-to-day, then they SHOULD absolutely have you promoting their products as one of their biggest fans! Show them how much you love their product, brand, or values and I promise you, it WILL pay off. 

How to Land the Perfect Pitch:

Consider how YOU can do their MARKETING for them!

You can try ,“Oh, love your brand SO MUCH – can we work together?” but I can almost guarantee they’ve heard it before. Consider what deliverables YOU can provide to them! Don’t just pitch yourself, pitch your SERVICES and CREATIVITY. 

For example, say it’s a shoe company. give them a detailed list of the deliverables you’d like to provide to them. Maybe it’s an unboxing video on stories and a 3 ways to wear IGTV. Maybe you’re teaming up for a giveaway. Provide some suggestions and let them know you’re open to their thoughts – I promise they will appreciate you going the extra mile to share some actionable marketing ideas!

Define your personal brand and niche.

Be REALLY CLEAR with yourself what you want this to be. When you have a clearly defined audience, brands can get more value out of the collaboration. 

For example, if you’re a food blogger, a brand collab with a clothing store might not be the right fit. However, maybe a meal kit delivery service would be the perfect type of brand to pitch as the brand would know they have a captive audience! 

Talk analytics.

As someone who works in marketing day-to-day, I know that most marketers are DATA-DRIVEN. I would even highlight these stats IN ADDITION to your media kit in your pitch, in the body of the email! I like to call out more instagram-specific analytics in my email, like my impressions over the last week, website clicks, saves, etc. – it’s good to get REAL SPECIFIC! Sometimes, I’ll even share screenshots from recent branded stories to really seal the deal. 

So, what are you waiting for?!! Give these tips a try and let me know when you land your awesome brand deal!

hi there!

hi, I'm emily! I'm a fashion + lifestyle blogger based in florida. I love sharing blogger tips + tricks, great sales, and styled looks here!


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