It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to Instagram. The new features and constant algorithm changes can feel totally overwhelming. Follower counts often stagnate. Content creation can feel like a daunting task. I get it! I’ve totally been there. Today, I want to walk you through 10 questions to ask yourself when you feel like you’re stuck in a rut on Instagram.
Many of you know my story already, but for those who don’t, I want to quickly dive in. Back in 2019, I reached a really low point with my content creation and blogging journey. I was SO CLOSE to giving up. I felt like I wasn’t seeing any success. My follower count wasn’t growing. I was missing deadlines on branded campaigns. Creating content felt like a chore. I didn’t know anything about my audience. When it came to my niche, I was trying all kinds of ideas, but not being decisive about what mattered to my audience.
Luckily, I was able to turn it around! In 2020, I set goals and met them all. I changed my attitude and gave content creation and blogging my all. Throughout this assessment and re-evaluation process, I’ve come up with some questions to ask those who are feeling close to giving up.

Here are 10 questions to ask yourself when you’re wondering “why am I not successful?”
Are you prioritizing your time?
My biggest mistake when I first started blogging was not COMMITTING MY TIME! I always made excuses. My first few years were spent as a college student or starting my first 9-to-5 job. Of course, I was busy! But, I wasn’t carving out the time I needed to grow a successful business.

It may not be the most glamorous thing, but nowadays, I work 9-to-5 (usually working on my brand during my lunch), then I log off, sneak in a quick workout, make dinner, and GET TO WORK! I spend most nights 7-midnight (sometimes later, bad, I know…) working on my blog and business. I also dedicate my weekends to shooting content.
Most nights, I’m creating new content for my blog, posting on Instagram and engaging with my audience, pitching brands, responding to emails, turning in content for brand approval, and so much more! Some nights, would I rather be relaxing and watching TV after a long work day? You bet. But I have a clear goal in mind and I have to make the most of the time I have!
Are you using Instagram’s new features?

Have you posted a reel yet? What about a guide? I know that it can feel overwhelming to learn a whole new feature, but Instagram has been known to prioritize creators in the algorithm who use their new features. I discuss this in greater detail in this post, but I highly recommend giving new features a try!
Did you know that for every picture I share on Instagram, I edit it ever-so-slightly using Instagram’s features? (tiny changes to exposure, usage of filters, shadows, highlights, etc.) Instagram is known to boost posts that use their features such as editing in-app, polls, reels, etc. This article from Later details how the Instagram Algorithm works in 2020 and some tips for how to make it work for you!

Have you diversified your content strategy?
Are you primarily focused on Instagram? Do you have any other platforms in addition to Instagram? Consider extensions of your brand to drive traffic to from your IG profile. I chose to create a blog as I love to write and felt like I could really use this as my own space. Another easy extension of my brand was Pinterest for Business. Having various forms of media allows you to use each one to drive traffic to the others. People often let me know that they found me either through my blog or Pinterest (occasionally, it’s even TikTok!). Most Instagram creators opt to have a blog or Youtube channel where they share additional, often longer-form content.

Instagram isn’t going anywhere, but why put all your eggs in one basket? This article from Forbes suggests that diversifying your channels can help you gain a greater reach, hedge your risk, boost customer/follower loyalty, and grow your audience.
Are you showing up on stories regularly?
When I first started, I rarely shared stories. I didn’t think people were interested in me or my day-to-day life. Well, turns out I was dead wrong! People want to feel a human connection. They want to put a face to the name or the brand. Posting on stories has allowed me to meet more of you and expand my reach. Boosting my story engagement has helped my engagement all-around on Instagram. Stories have been a huge source of traffic on my blog as well.
If you’re looking to boost your engagement on stories, check out this blog post with 6 tips!

How’s your bio looking?
Did you know that people take an average of 7 seconds to make an assessment of who you are? First impressions are crazy important! On Instagram, a first impression likely starts with your bio. Make sure you are maximizing that space and sharing more about what you do. I put together a whole post with tips to level up your bio and help you increase visibility on Instagram!

Are you investing in your brand?
Investing in your brand can mean many things. An investment is not always financial. Below are some ways to invest in your brand, broken down by financial vs. free resources:
Equipment (camera, ring light, memory cards, Lightroom presets, tripod, etc.) | Podcasts |
Blogger courses | Blog posts |
Giveaways | Youtube/IGTV tutorials/videos |
Clothing | Creators on Instagram sharing tips 😉 – shameless plug! |

Do you post consistently?
For the social media platforms you use, come up with a content strategy that works for you! In previous years, I had no specific content strategy. I wasn’t considering what time to post. I never thought about the fact that my audience might like to see consistent posts from me on my platform. This year, I really narrowed down my posting schedule and strategy.
Find something that works for you and stick with it! And no, you don’t have to post every day. That is a common misconception. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you can share 3 awesome pieces of content Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, that is great! I find that people often get over-ambitious with posting goals and their content suffers as a result.

My goal is to post 5-6 static posts a week on Instagram. I try to show up on stories every day, with certain themes re-appearing each week. For example, on Monday, I’ll repost some of my content from the previous week just in case my audience missed it. On Tuesdays, I like to share a “this or that” poll where I get to know my audience and their preferences. On Thursdays, I always share my latest Tip Thursday blog post. I find that having these reoccurring themes has helped to keep my audience engaged.
Do you engage with your audience?
At the end of 2019, I likely couldn’t name 5 of my followers. Now, I’ve made a personal connection with SO MANY OF YOU! It is really important to me to make time to get to know my audience. Getting to know YOU also helped me to understand my niche and the type of content that performs well. Need help getting started on authentically engaging with your audience – check out 4 of my strategies here!

Since I realized many of my followers were also in the content creation and blogging space, I developed my #TipThursday series just for them! In this series, I share tips and information I know will be relevant to those interested in content creation and blogging.
I prioritize getting to know my audience because many of you take time out of your day to engage with my posts. And, I know we were told “don’t talk to strangers” back when we were kids, but I’ve met SO MANY AMAZING PEOPLE through the online blogging and Instagram community. People I genuinely consider to be my friends, even though I haven’t met them in real life. How cool is that!?
I talk more about how to build an authentic and engaged audience in this blog post – highly recommend checking this one out!
Do you know your niche?
Finding your niche can really help to drive content strategy and style. You can’t be all things for all people. And that is okay! Think about what makes you or your content unique. Maybe you’re a food blogger specializing in kid-friendly recipes. Maybe you’re a hairstylist focusing on extensions and balayage. Are you a travel blogger discussing luxurious trips on a budget? A friend of mine applying to PA school told me she follows a blogger who focuses primarily on tips for applying to PA field and success in the medical field. The point is, find what makes you unique and RUN WITH IT!

When I first started, I tried to mimic content I was seeing on Instagram from popular creators in the fashion and lifestyle industry. But, it just wasn’t me! And it certainly wasn’t unique. Why would someone choose to follow me over anyone else when our content was the same?
It wasn’t until I got clear with my niche and brand mission that I started gaining followers. I consider my niche to be Florida lifestyle content and educational resources for new bloggers and content creators. In this space, I still get to share fashion and my favorite outfits, just through a different lens!
Are you reaching out to brands or waiting for them to reach out to you?
These days, I do a little bit of both. I pitch brands, and brands pitch me! No matter where you’re at in your journey, don’t just sit and wait around. Be proactive! You CAN reach out to brands. Maybe not all of your pitches land – that is fine. Pitching brands has taught me how to build and cultivate relationships, improve my email communications, and negotiate! If it works out, you’ve gotten yourself a brand sponsorship. And hey, if it doesn’t, you’ve still honed in on your pitching skills! In this post, I share my top tips for landing the perfect pitch every time.
That’s it for now! What has worked well for you in the past for getting motivated? Share down below!
Are you a new blogger or content creator looking for more resources? Check out these recent posts:
- 4 Goal Setting Tips To Build Your 2021 as a Content Creator and Blogger
- 4 Best Practices For Holiday Campaigns
- How to Maintain Relationships with Brands
- Pitching to PR Contacts (+ How To Find Them)
- Boost Your Instagram Story Engagement
- How to Get Noticed By Brands for Collaborations
- Pitching to Brands as an Influencer (+ real email templates that I actually sent!)
- The Tea on Instagram Giveaways
- Influencer Marketing Platforms to Help You Make Money